< > |
When used in properties, Process Navigator interprets these as XML tags and the data will not be displayed correctly |
/ |
Cannot be used in a file name as Windows sees this as a folder switch name |
" |
When used in a file name, causes Internet explorer to render a page incorrectly |
; |
When used in a file name, causes Internet explorer to render a page incorrectly |
: |
When used in a file name, causes Internet explorer to render a page incorrectly |
& |
When used in properties, the property value cannot be searched; if used in a file name, relative links between process maps will not work correctly.
It also causes problems when linking from menus as the page that is reported in the list of process maps is not the same as what Internet explorer displays. |
- (short hyphen sometimes referred to as an 'N' style) |
Can be used in all shapes, but if used on a deliverable, and the matching deliverable uses an extended hyphen (see below) the maps will not link together.
It is very difficult to spot on a page.
Commonly occurs when copying and pasting from other applications. This is also a problem for deliverable linking as Process Navigator will see E-mail notification
differently to Email notification and will not link them |
- (long hyphen sometimes referred to as an 'M' style) |
Same as above in reverse. |
' (apostrophe or single quote) |
Will give an issue when exporting to Excel as this character if at the start of a line will be ignored.
Can also cause a problem with deliverable linking if one name has it in and the other does not.
It can also cause a problem with the library search when included in published content.
If in the Node name, the map and any selected at the same time will fail to approve. |
@ |
If used in a file name can cause errors in Internet Explorer. |
$ |
When used in a file name, Windows sees this as a temporary file. If the file is read, Internet explorer will not link to that page correctly |
. (full stop or period) |
Is an identifier in a file name for the file format.
The file 'my.process.vsdx' or 'my.process.vsdm' will not publish as Windows sees the file format as process not vsdx or vsdm. |
, (comma) |
When used in a file name Internet explorer will add additional characters which will cause problems navigating |
_ (Underscore) |
When used in file names can cause serious problems for Visio creating HTML, Process Navigator removes these characters on publish.
Please do not use them. Can also cause a problem with deliverable due to inconsistent naming conventions |